Professional Appliance Repair in Boise, ID

Your Reliable Partner for All Appliance Repair Needs

Family-Owned & Operated Appliance Repair Company in Treasure Valley

Whether it’s a major or minor appliance repair in Boise, ID and the surrounding areas, our trained technicians are ready to deliver you quick solutions and fantastic customer service.

As a family-owned and operated business, we combine the professionalism of skilled technicians with the personal touch of a family-owned business. Our team is reliable and factory-trained and authorized to handle a wide range of appliance repair issues right at your doorstep.

We pride ourselves on providing quick and effective solutions for all your appliance needs, whether a faulty stove burner or a refrigerator that isn’t keeping things cool. We recognize the importance of having fully operational appliances for time-saving and stress reduction in your household. That’s why we are committed to delivering our services promptly, ensuring you can resume your daily activities immediately.

Our appliance repair services extend throughout the entire Treasure Valley area. From downtown Boise to the surrounding suburbs, our technicians at Major Appliance Repair Services are ready to provide high-quality service at competitive prices, all with the warmth and personal touch that only a family-run business can offer.

Major Appliance Repair Service repairs most leading brands including:

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Fill out this form or call us at (208) 793-6253 to get started.

Our Services

At our appliance repair company in Boise, ID, we understand the importance of well-functioning home appliances. Here’s a look at the services we provide:

Why Choose Us

Choosing the right appliance repair company in Boise, ID, means selecting a team that values quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. We pride ourselves on:

Schedule Service
Contact our team to schedule your appliance repair!

Our Service Area

Serving the entire Treasure Valley area, we are committed to providing top-notch appliance repair services to the community of Boise and its surrounding neighborhoods. Our technicians are always ready to assist, whether you’re located downtown or in the suburbs.

We serve the following cities:

Our Reputation Speaks for Itself

Major Appliance Repair Services is known throughout Treasure Valley for its commitment to quality and our ability to solve complex appliance issues effectively.

With over 30 years of experience, our appliance repair company in Boise, ID, has built a reputation that speaks for itself. Don’t just take our word for it:

Our Services


Keep your kitchen running smoothly with our expert dishwasher repair services. We handle everything from minor fixes to major repairs, ensuring your dishwasher operates efficiently.

Oven & Stove

Whether you're dealing with an unresponsive oven or a malfunctioning stove, our skilled technicians are equipped to resolve any issues, helping you get back to cooking and baking quickly.

Washer & Dryer

Don't let a broken washer or dryer disrupt your routine. Our team provides rapid and reliable repairs to make sure your laundry process is as smooth as ever.

Fridge & Freezer

A functional fridge and freezer are crucial for food safety. We specialize in quick diagnoses and repairs, ensuring your appliances maintain the right temperature to keep your food fresh.

Garbage Disposal

Avoid the inconvenience of a clogged or malfunctioning garbage disposal. Our technicians can quickly restore functionality, preventing further plumbing issues.

Why Hire an Appliance Repair Technician

When it comes to appliance repairs, there are numerous benefits to hiring a professional technician:

Save Money

Avoid the high costs associated with replacing your appliances by opting for repairs instead. Our team can significantly extend the life of your appliances, saving you money in the long run.


We understand the importance of having your appliances up and running quickly. Our efficient repair services ensure that your household experiences minimal disruption.


Our expert technicians ensure that every repair is conducted with the highest standards of safety, reducing the risk of potential hazards from faulty appliances.