
Serving Treasure Valley For 30 Years


How to Prolong the Life of your Appliances

As your Boise appliance repair company, the number one appliance repair and troubleshooting tip we can give you is to read the manual that comes with the appliance. The owner’s guide usually has a troubleshooting section and other critical instructions for installation and use of appliances. Always consult your owner’s manual before performing any type of cleaning or service on your appliances.


Every one to two months, run an empty cycle with three cups white vinegar and one box of baking soda. This will break down any mineral deposits building inside of the machine and it will clean out the hoses. Also remove any debris from the sump area that can be blocking drainage to the hoses. You can also find dishwasher cleaning products at your local grocery store that are designed to help keep your dishwasher from building up deposits.

Washing Machines

Do the same to the washing machine for the same benefit, as well as wiping around the underside of the rim. Mold can build up here and create an offensive odor. It’s a tedious process handling a washing machine, but mineralization is one of the top reasons a washing machine will break down. This cleaning procedure should be used on both top load and front load models. You can also find washing machine cleaning products at your local grocery store that are designed to routinely clean out the insides of your machine.


Most of us know the dangers of lint build-up within a clothes dryer and the possibility of it creating a fire hazard, but just clearing out the lint trap isn’t enough. Once or twice a year your should have your dryer and wall vent cleaned to prevent excess lint build up. This keeps air circulation wide open, creates less time needed to dry clothes, less drag on the dryer’s operation, and keeps it from overheating.


Ovens don’t need much servicing but depending on the make, model and age, the possibility of food and grease sneaking into out-of-sight places can cause concerns. So spend time looking around-inside and out- for possible problems. Try not to use yourself cleaning cycles as it is very hard on your oven and can cause overheating and malfunctions. Place a drip pan or a sheet of foil at the bottom of the oven to catch any unwanted spills. Also, check the gasket for deterioration. If it doesn’t shut tight on a dollar bill, it may be time to replace it. A worn gasket causes heat loss and thus less cooking and utility efficiency.


Make sure the condenser coils are cleaned on a regular basis. Located either behind the unit or underneath, dirty coils create inefficient air circulation. Also, make sure that if your unit’s coils are at the back, there’s enough room between it and the wall-at least one inch-to promote good air circulation around the coils. Check also the gasket around the doors, just like the oven, as a worn gasket allows cold air to escape and creates more work for the refrigerator to do its job.

Contact Major Appliance Repair Service to schedule an appliance repair today!